To collaborate with youth and employers to create a meaningful paid employment opportunity that enhances youth job skills.
YouthWorks, originally called Blue Chip, changed its name in 1987. The program originally began in 1973 and is now over 50!
YouthWorks is a program within the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Youth Services Division. We provide a 5-week job opportunity to thousands of Baltimore City young people between the ages of 14 to 21.
YouthWorks employers fit into two sections, Host Employers and Hire Employers. Host Employers are made up of nonprofits, government agencies, emerging businesses (1-5 Employees), etc. Hire Employers mainly consist of medium-large businesses that pay out of pocket.
Youth Applicants: The Road to YouthWorks 2025
Worksites: The Road to YouthWorks 2025
The Year-Round YouthWorks is an initiative that grants ~200 youth to continue working with their summer employer during Fall and Spring. The first year of YouthWorks Year-Round launched in Fall 2023.
This opportunity allows Baltimore City juniors & seniors to work during the school year, gain sustained exposure to areas of career interest, have increased opportunities to develop these critical skills, and earn a steady paycheck.
Spring Internship Dates: January 22 - March 29, 2024
Year-Round Important Dates to Apply for Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 (Worksites)
The Youth Advisory Council is a spring and summer career-readiness/work opportunity for about 10 youth that work directly at the YouthWorks office.
Leading up to the summer YAC members work on career plans, develop professional communication skills, and expand their presentation skills. During the summer they lead weekly livestream sessions on financial literacy, career exploration, and a variety of other topics.
Financial Development: CASH Campaign of Maryland (CASH MD) provided a two-week training for YAC on financial wellness topics. Bank of America led a session on money management and financial safety.
HeartSmiles partnered with YAC on survey development.
Health-based sessions, led by National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) & UChoose
Youth Advisory Council employees lead weekly livestream sessions during the summer. These sessions focus on financial literacy, career exploration, and a variety of other topics.
Youth are selected to work closely with Baltimore City councilmembers as they gain a behind the scenes look into local government functionality. These youth come into the program with a desire to work in government/public service.