HIRE Businesses and organizations in this category will have the YouthWorks job coach team interview candidates, while you select, and hire from a pool of talented youth. Hire employers cover the youth's pay at a cost of $2,500 per youth.
  • You can pay youth directly or City can be the employer-of-record
  • We screen youth for skills and interests
  • We train youth in job readiness
  • YouthWorks job coach team interviews potential youth employees
HOST Nonprofits and government organizations can host YouthWorkers at their worksite for five weeks.
  • We select talented youth
  • We cover the youth's pay
  • You provide supervision and work experience
  • You help youth learn life and work skills
DONATE Your donation pays the youth minimum wage to work for five weeks during the summer
  • Employing youth for five weeks costs $2,500 per placement
  • Your donation is tax-deductible