Approximately, 1 in 7 Baltimore City youth were eligible for a summer job through YouthWorks. They will be the future workforce of Baltimore. Help us train and grow that workforce. Hire them for a summer job.
For 2024, YouthWorks standard work dates will be July 8, 2024 – August 9, 2024, but employers that are paying the wages of their participants can hire youth outside these dates.
There are many reasons hiring youth through YouthWorks is a win-win for youth and their employers:
- Youth develop workplace skills, learn how to meet employers’ expectations, and gain exposure to careers
- Youth earn a wage that is often used to support their future career plans or support their family's current needs
- Employers select their employees based on interviews with our best 16-21-year-old candidates already screened for skills and interests
- Employers can train new workers as replacements for an aging workforce
- Employers report that youth bring positive energy to their workplaces
- Employers can keep working with their new employees well after the summer is over
YouthWorks does the following to ensure all employers—both those that have hired youth before and those that have not—have a successful summer experience:
- We screen candidates from our pool of thousands of eligible youth for interest and skills to ensure the best job match
- We train youth in job readiness before referring them to interviews
- We assign a job coach to facilitate stronger connections between youth and employers
- You have the choice of hiring and paying the youth directly or having the City be the employer-of-record
Employers who want to hire YouthWorkers must do the following:
- Create a 5-week summer job with up to 125 work hours
- Provide us $2,500 for each youth hired if going on City of Baltimore payroll or put them on your payroll at minimum wage or higher
- YouthWorks job coach team interviews potential youth employees
- Fill out the online application using the options below
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